Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This totally qualifies as important enough information for a mid-day blog update:
She's been EXTUBATED! Around 10:30 this morning they took her off of the ventilator. She is on oxygen to help her breathe, but this is so, so much better than being on a ventilator. She was more than ready to have that tube OUT. This morning she was writing "tube out!". She's still got a lot of 'crud' in her lungs so they are really working on her coughing that up. She is totally in control of her mouth suctioning thing (it looks and sounds identical to the thing they suction your mouth with when you go to the dentist) so she is able to suction out all the crud on her own. They are hoping to get her sitting up today and possibly work on standing. She needs to get those muscles strong again since she's been laying down for 5 days. Her response to that was, "good, so I can use the toilet." We were all so excited about this new development that we just wanted to be with her. She very quickly told us that she, "gets anxious when we just stare at her." So, we all decided we would let her rest and when we came back it would be in quick visits to just say hello and then we would leave her to rest. She is able to talk (and it is encouraged that she work on it) but her voice is super raspy sounding and it takes careful attention to figure out what she is saying. But by golly....she is talking. Five days later. Even still, my mom would want us to continue to be cautious. She is still in ICU. She is still very sick. But obviously, this is a huge, huge improvement from Friday. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your magical prayers and good vibrations. The Queen got 2 stickers today because it was such a big day. We will keep you posted if anything new comes up.
Giant Hugs from the ICU,
The Queen's Royal Court


  1. Wow!
    Go superwoman
    Sending more prayers and good vibes!
    Love, the Burke Family
    (Taylor Burke- 2nd grade fall 2008 and spring 2009)

  2. The other day on FB my status was: Jean Hetze = Superman! Couldn't be more accurate! Such great news you guys.

    I love what the oncologist said about your mom's agenda and that she gave up doubting her a long time ago. Not only is your mom lucky to have such caring nurses/doctors taking care of her, THEY are lucky to have Jean Hetzel as a patient!

  3. Oops, forgot the "l" and I meant Superwoman (it was correct on FB!). My brain is on vacation I think! Also, don't know why it wont't put my name where it should go. It's Jennifer btw!

  4. she is so awesome...p.s. if she is a Queen, are you a princess? i've been thinking about this a lot...maybe you should try to get with harry?

  5. You girls, your mom and this blog are awesome. Please tell her I said she didn't have to be such a drama queen just because it was her bday - we're all getting older! I'm sending warm fuzzy get-well thoughts and love across the country and am waiting to send her more of my chocolate chip cookies whenever she's ready.

  6. Thank you, thank you for keeping us well informed! It's such a relief to know what's going on and that Jeannie is getting the best care-EVER! We are there with you in spirit in the, "Quiet Activity Family Support Room", because if we were really there we would absolutely be asked to leave! Keep breaking the rules! Love to Jeannie as well as all of you,
    Deby Godkin (the other "Debbie" on the other couch...Nancy will know).
