Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's Eat

Hi Everyone,
This is a short and sweet update all based on info from my dad and Jan. She is doing very well today. She took five steps to go from her bed to a chair with the assistance of a walker. I think she is really scared to put weight on her legs because she feels so weak. This is a huge step (haha literally) for her though and she's only going to start walking farther from here. She had her chest X-Ray today and there is still some fluid in her lungs. The Doctor said he wants to keep the chest tube in until he is more confident that the fluid is gone. They will do another X-Ray tomorrow to check on the fluid again. He said the key to getting rid of the fluid is moving around and eating. These are the two main things that are The Queen's biggest struggle right now. The Doctor said that she needs more calories and protein, so Jan and Chef Jeff are working tirelessly to find really fattening food that The Queen thinks is appetizing. Her appetite is not what it used to be, so they are going to try to get her on some appetite enhancers. When Jan left tonight, The Queen did ask for an egg McMuffin and a PB&J sandwich, so that is great news. Prayers and good vibrations should be sent for calories, protein, increased appetite, and strength to help with walking. Phew....I'm asking a lot of you people tonight ;)
Since today is a slow news day, I thought I would share with you an adventure that myself, Nancy, and some dear friends are embarking on in October (my mom may have mentioned this to a lot of you). Before this crappy hospital situation began, we all decided to participate in The Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk to honor my mom. You've probably been wondering why this blog is called "Queen Jean." Well, my mom specifically asked that our team name for the 3-Day Walk be "Queen Jean's Supreme Team." Hence, the reason the blog is called Queen Jean. Anyways, here is a link to another blog I wrote awhile ago explaining why I wanted to participate in the 3-Day Walk. Since I wrote that blog, a lot has happened. We created a team. We now have 7 members. We've already raised $2,619.27. I hate, hate, hate asking people to make donations because it's awkward, the economy sucks, and I generally feel bad. But I do feel as though this is a perfect situation to get the word out about this massive fundraiser we have undertaken. If you feel so inclined to donate, CLICK HERE and then you can choose who to donate to. It doesn't matter who the donation goes to because in the end it all evens out. But I highly recommend donating to those who may have a lower amount in the "raised" column :)
We all thank you in advance for any donation you are able to contribute. Even $1 from lots and lots of people can go a long, long way!
Love and hugs from Georgia,
The Queen's Royal Court

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