Sunday, February 6, 2011

Always in Control...

Good Morning Everyone!
Everything is pretty much the same as yesterday. She is sleepy, but that is to be expected. Today they are going to start "tweeking" her meds to see how she responds. They want to start pushing her more now that she is at a more stable point. They are going to lower her blood pressure medicine so that her heart can try to work more on it's own. This will help them see what happens and will give her heart a chance to pump on it's own. Her heart is beating at 20% and a typical person's heart should be at 60%. We need hers to shoot up to 40% or 50% and we would be more than ecstatic. So again...keep the prayers coming for higher blood pressure and a strong heart :)
I thought I would start your day off right by showing you some amazing and hilarious notes from my mom. Last night, we went to say goodnight to the Queen and she motioned for a pen. We gave her a marker and whiteboard and her writing was SO ridiculously clear. Simply amazing. Here is her first message to us. Here is what she wrote:
Now, let me interpret. First things first...she asked if she could pee. We re-explained the catheter situation, showed her the giant bag of pee, and she was very impressed with her amount of pee. She raised her eyebrows as if to say, "wow...good job me!" If I've learned anything from the medical world (which I feel like I'm learning a lot) I've learned that pee is very important. Good pee means everything inside is working. And my mom has lots of good pee. Yay! Now, next she wrote "name" and pointed to her nurse. We told her that the nurse's name was Petrena and she proceeded to write "Petrena is good." Of course we showed this to Petrena (gotta stay on the nurses good side and clearly my mom realizes this too). In true Jean fashion she wrote, "who is my doctor?" We told her and my dad said, "you've actually met her before, she was your doctor a few months ago for a procedure." And believe it or mom wrote pulmonologist. YES. YES. YES. She is your pulmonologist. Spelled it perfectly. She is amazing.

This next writing came about because we told her that we were going to go to sleep but that we would be here if she needed anything. Yet again, her true personality shows through as she writes this:
"You can all go home. I'm all ok."
She is the same old bossy Queen that she always is :)

Just for laughs, here is her delicious looking dinner:
We love you all, thanks for EVERYTHING.

The Queen's Royal Court


  1. that second note on the whiteboard is simply amazing, telling you to go home! love it!!

  2. My son, Huntly has your mom as a teacher at school and just loves her.

    I am so glad that she is doing a little better and I definitely agree that the white board is fabulous!!!

  3. Abby and Nancy,
    Thanks for the blog. Give your mom a hug for me and tell her I always knew she stole my royal tiara! I've been in contact with Deb and Deby and will give them this blog address. Love to Jean and to you all!
