Monday, February 14, 2011

Movin' on Up

Hi Everyone,
The Queen had a big, big day today. Her morning began with the nurses removing her feeding tube, so that's exciting. Now it's up to us to make sure she gets all the food and nutrients she needs. The most exciting news of the day is that The Queen got to move to new quarters. Despite the fact that I was nervous and anxious to leave our safe and comfortable confines of the was a giant, enormous step that she was well enough to be moved to a 'regular' room. I reluctantly said my goodbyes to all of the ICU staff and had to keep reminding myself that it was a GREAT sign that we were LEAVING the ICU. I'm beginning to think I've become some sick and twisted person who loves ICU but I promise it is just because I love the people and quality one-on-one care that is there ;) It's amazing what you can accumulate after 11 days in the ICU. We used a cart (similar to what you use to move into a dorm) to tote all of the Queen's treasures up to her new room.
Some exciting news is that the new room has a view fit for a Queen. Her room (again, very fittingly) looks out onto The King and Queen Buildings. Even though our family refers to them as "The Almost Home Buildings" (because when we see them it means we are almost home) the rest of Atlanta refers to them as The King and Queen Buildings.
The Queen got a visit today from an Occupational Therapist who worked on brushing her teeth and washing her face by herself. She was able to do both of these things all on her own, which is amazing. The upcoming hurdles will be gaining her strength back to complete everyday tasks like walking and getting out of bed. I know that she will succeed with this (look how far she's come...) but there is definitely a long road ahead. Send your prayers and good vibrations for physical and mental strength in the coming days.
Now, on to another subject. If you know my dad, you know that he reads the paper religiously every morning. He and Jan both talked about how they always read the paper no matter where they are or what they are doing. Ever since February 4, neither of them have been reading the paper like they normally do. They both said that they mentally weren't ready to be reading the paper cover to cover. Today, look what I caught both of them doing:
I would say this is another sign that we are headed in the right direction. In addition, Nancy headed back to school yesterday and I am off to work tomorrow. That being said...if the updates are shorter and less frequent, it is ONLY because I am back to teaching my little preschool friends who wear me out. I will try to keep you all as up to date as possible, as this is what The Queen would want.
Thank you all again and again for the love, prayers, and good vibrations.
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Queen's Royal Court


  1. Everyone who knows the Queen knows that there is nothing "regular" about it a room or anything else for that matter! I wasn't surprised to see how you all made the move seem like moving into a dorm room, but i definitely remember from years past that your mom's move into the dorm always required a UHAUL. Consider yourself lucky! Seriously, I am thinking of your mom and now, thanks to technology, able to keep up to date on all the goings-on. Send her my love and good a pushy New Yorker I'm expecting that all these good vibes and thoughts will make a real and speedy difference. Much love...Sarah Duffy-Edwards

  2. So glad the feeding tube is gone. Let me know if I can bring you guys something from Carrabba's. :)

    stacieconnerty (at) gmail (dot) com

    Stacie Connerty
    Mother to Huntly, Mrs. Hetzel's student
