Friday, February 25, 2011

Exactly 3 Weeks Later...


She isn't quite ready to go home yet, but she's going to a rehab place.
If you know this Amy Winehouse song....
.....Then you'll appreciate my sister and I singing this wonderful rendition
(even though you can't see us):
Well, Hospital Time kind of makes me think of "Island Time" but not nearly as beautiful and calm. We went to the Cayman Islands 7 (?) years ago to visit Aunt Betsy and Uncle Scott since they got to live there for a couple years. On that trip we learned that Island Time is typically 2-3 hours delayed from any time that you originally planned on doing something. And the locals typically say, "Don't worry mon, it's Island Time," or something similar where they try to make Americans chill out. Anyways, Island Time is relaxing except for when you really want to go somewhere. Hospital Time is not relaxing, so I don't really know why I'm comparing these things. But...the only similarity is that Hospital Time always seems super delayed when you really want to go somewhere. Obviously this is not the case in critical situations. When The Queen was trying to leave ICU...Hospital Time kicked in and we had to wait for a room and then wait for people to come move her. In the situation of leaving the hospital....major Hospital Time! At 12:00 this afternoon they told us she would get to go to Rehab today. In my mind, I thought we'd be out of here by 2:00. Wrong. They said it wouldn't happen until 4:00. Then it was 5:00. Then it was 5:30. Then we didn't arrive at Rehab until 6:15. Ahhhh!!! I'm very patient with little kids but not at all with adults. So I got quite antsy to say the least.

The ambulance ride to the Rehab place was literally under 2 minutes. Not even kidding. For the first (and hopefully last) time ever, I got to ride in the front of the ambulance. The paramedic and EMT were super nice and chatty so I learned all about their families and kids and job. There are no rearview mirrors in ambulances. Instead, there is this really cool camera thing in the front of the ambulance that allows you to see what's happening with the patient in the back. Then, when you reverse in turns into one of those 'see what's behind you' cameras.
We thought the move from ICU to normal hospital floor was a shocking change of scenery but let me tell you...the move from the hospital to rehab is like a Vermont winter vs. a Georgia winter. Super different. But it will be ok. She has a roommate who's name is coincidentally also Jean. We all keep reminding The Queen (and ourselves) that this is TEMPORARY. It is kind of depressing because everyone is literally really old. Like really old. Like 95. Don't believe me? Look at the activity calendar for tomorrow (Nancy and I got a good laugh and my mom got a great eye rolling session in):
There's a few young-in's here and there who were probably in car accidents or something like that, but for the most's a whole lot of older people. Including someone that we know (but that's a great story for another post). So, we are all getting adjusted and trying to remind The Queen that if she works super hard, the next step is HOME aka her Castle. We are just so, so, so ecstatic that we are out of the hospital and that the next step is home. We are ridiculously proud of our Queen for how far she has come.

Aside from all of these major changes, The Queen had a great day today with everything else. She ate a grilled cheese and I didn't even have to be stern to make her eat. Physical Therapy came in and she had her best day yet. She walked about 6 feet (give or take a little) and then turned herself around and walked back to bed. We have all noticed remarkable differences since Wednesday when they drained the massive amount of fluid off her lungs. Not only with her energy level, but she just seems more comfortable and not so unhappy.
Please send your magical prayers and good vibrations for strength, continued clear lungs, a good attitude, and a QUIET roommate.
Excited love and hugs from ATL,
The Queen's Royal Court


  1. That's great news!!! The calendar had me laughing too. Although I work in one of those rehab centers so I am pretty familiar with those activity calendars! Our facility offers "chair yoga", maybe you could put a request in for that =)!

  2. Great news! Good work, Jean!! Keep eating and getting better. You'll need your strength to walk around Target with me in the spring (or maybe summer). What is a nail party?

    Love to you all,

  3. Amy Winehouse would be proud...that is if she's not back in rehab herself!

    Fantastic news about your mom though! I kinda feel like the doctor that said she stopped doubting your mom a long time ago. There is nothing that your mom can't overcome. She is truly a remarkable human being. You guys are pretty amazing too!

    Stay strong!

  4. Are you sure that wasn't Amy Winehouse making a cameo on Queen Jean's blog?!?
