Friday, February 11, 2011

"Cancer is Nothing Compared to This"

These were my mom's exact words today. I think that just gives you an idea about what a crappy situation this is. Not many people can say that cancer is a walk in the park...

First of all, we are so happy that we are where we are this Friday as opposed to last Friday. The Queen has come a long, long way. Today began with some nervous worries that she may have to go back on the ventilator. But alas, we made it through the day without having to go back on the "vent" (as they call it around here). She hated, hated, hated the BiPap machine (leaf blower in your face analogy) so they switched her to getting oxygen through her nose that is warm and moist. This will prevent her from feeling dried out (I think?). So far, this is doing the trick. Send those prayers and good vibrations for strong lungs again! Who knew lungs were such a bear to repair? Oh wait....Nancy knew this. Our family and lungs clearly have some issues. Anyways, she was really uncomfortable with the noise level and kept trying to take off the oxygen to talk. With some typical Queen Jean bargaining, she wrote this note to Ken:
It says: "Ok Ken, how come no one else needs O2 and I do? Can't we take an hour break? $50"
Obviously, Ken couldn't make this happen. But he did call the respiratory therapist and she lowered the O2 level so the noise wasn't quite as bad. So I would say her bargaining worked....

It's no surprise to us that she is ALL up in the nurse's and doctor's business. Anytime they walk into the room, her eyes and ears perk up. She asked us to bring her a notepad so that she could start writing down questions. This is SO normal of my mother that we are all finding it hysterical. She is notorious for taking notes at any major medical appointment. Here's yet another example:
Let me be clear that she can in fact talk. It is just so strenuous that sometimes writing things down is easier and less exhausting. Jan aka Queen Angel is helping my mom to be calm and relaxed. Jan used to teach breathing techniques to women who were pregnant. Jan has been a HUGE help in so many ways (I'm saving that for another post) but today, getting my mom to focus on breathing slow and taking deep breaths was her biggest job ;) Her hard work got my mom to slow down her breathing and really focus hard on deep breaths through her nose.

Nancy thought this would be a good little something to make you all smile.
Here are our cousin Drew's precious little boys in the Vermont snow (thanks to Aunt Betsy for the picture):
And here are the remnants from the snowstorm that SWEPT Atlanta yesterday.
Don't you all worry. Like true Atlantan's we've stocked up on bread and milk. We will be fine.
Continued thanks for everything from snacks to hugs to good vibrations.
Love, hugs, and happy Friday to you all,
The Queen's Royal Court

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately your mom comes from good hearty stock as my grandmother would say. I am in suspense - did Ken get any $? Does your mom have a wad of fifty dollar bills tucked into the bosom of her hospital gown? Is that how she's getting what she wants? I always thought it was her sparkling personality. Looking back, it's all coming together now. From SF, aka the city of free love, sending lots your way.
