Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hi Friends and Family,
Slowly but surely, things are continuing to move in the right direction in the world of Queen Jean. Yesterday, she got 800 cc's of fluid drained off of each lung. Again, this explains why she was so uncomfortable and unhappy over the past few days. I can't imagine having all that fluid in my lungs...I would be uncomfortable too. So they drained the fluid and then let her rest a lot yesterday. She managed to eat an ENTIRE grilled cheese for dinner yesterday (including the crust!). Keep prayers and good vibrations coming for clear lungs, appetite, deep breaths (this will help her lungs), and mental strength for physical therapy.

Jan is finally giving herself a well deserved break from hospital life and is hanging with her grandkids for the weekend. I took a couple days off school to come home and make an attempt to fill in for Jan and my dad, although I definitely don't have the skills to accomplish this very well. I am going to try my best though. Nancy will be home too, so maybe we can combine our efforts to be successful caregivers. Tonight when I saw The Queen, I could immediately tell that she looked so, so much better from this past Sunday when I saw her. Her breathing had slowed down and she was so much more willing to try foods and work on her exercises. While I was there she ate half of a grilled cheese. I've been sternly told (by my mother) not to push too hard on the food thing, so I'm going to try to take a chill pill. We've learned that smaller amounts of food more often will be more feasible than 3 large meals a day. I think we could all take a hint on that one....this is coming from the girl that just had a Chef Jeff meal of chicken, lentils and spinach.

Things continue to look up around here. We can't thank you all enough for your thoughts, prayers and support. She is still requesting no visitors because it is too exhausting to even think about talking to people. We will let you know when she's ready for all your smiling faces!
I promise pictures will come now that I'm back on duty. Just give me a couple days.
The Queen's Royal Court

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