Thursday, February 10, 2011

Come on, Lungs!

Hi Everyone,
Today is going along just fine. They did a CT scan of her chest this morning to check on her lungs. The CT scan showed fluid in her right lung, so they did a thoracentesis (giant medical term!) which is essentially manually draining the fluid in her lung with a needle. They were able to get some fluid out, but not as much as they had hoped to get. She is still breathing pretty quickly. We need her breathing to slow down and get under control so that she doesn't overwork her heart.

We've had a lot of people calling to see if they can visit the Queen. The ICU Doctors and nurses are recommending that we let her rest as much as possible right now. Her body is in overdrive and needs to calm itself down as it heals. Please hold off on visits for now. Her job is to get better and our job is to keep her as rested and as healthy as possible so that she can get better. I promise I will let you know when she is ready and upbeat enough to let you visit her in her castle :)

In other news, we totally "pulled a Jean" today. We made (and by 'we' I mean Mrs. Collins- thank you!) Mike's brownies to give out to the nurses and staff in the ICU. My mom is always taking brownies and coupons to all of her DR's and Nurses when she goes in for appointments. Like she always says..."there is no one better to have on your side." So, we are just doing what she would want us to do. Bribery? Maybe. Does it work? Of course. Duh. They are the best brownies in the world. And is it a little free advertising? No comment....
Don't you want to join us? We know how to have a good time assembling Brownie bags.
Love and hugs to everyone. Send prayers and good vibrations for solid breathing and for those lungs to take a chill pill.
The Queen's Royal Court

1 comment:

  1. The brownie bags look great! I think G-d is on overtime answering all the prayers for your mom. If ONLY He could eat those brownies! Here's to much needed rest (for all of you) and healed lungs for your mom!

    Take care everyone!

    PS - how is your Nana? I know everone is deeply worried but on Saturday she looked particularly devastated...understandably so. First time I met her. She's a lovley person.
