Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coasting Along

Hi Everyone,
I wish I had some super exciting news to update you all with, but we are kind of holding at status quo. I've gotten daily updates from my dad and Jan. The Queen is getting another draining of fluid off her lungs Wednesday morning at 10:00. We are all anxiously awaiting for this to happen so that her breathing can be easier and hopefully calm her down. Her anxiety levels are very high (mine would be too if I was stuck in a hospital with nothing to do but think, think, think) so everyone (with the help of some lovely pharmaceuticals) is trying their hardest to help her calm those nerves. She continues to work extra hard on eating which we are all thrilled to see. She has discovered some favorite foods including turkey sandwiches, hummus, and Arby's milkshakes (high in calories!). She is continuing to work on standing and taking baby steps and gaining her strength through leg exercises and lots of other different physical/occupational therapy exercises. Anyways, for now, keep the prayers and good vibrations coming again for no fluid on the lungs, strength, an appetite, and positive attitude. We love you all and thanks for being so wonderful to our family during this adventure.
The Queen's Royal Court

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