Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

Hi Everyone,
Thanks to "The Debbie's" in California for this new life motto. I think The Queen will take this to heart in the near future. If you can't read the bottom, it says "Her Royal Highness Queen Jean." Such a perfectly simple sign that is inspiration we can ALL use on a daily basis. I feel as though I can truly say this after my first day back at school. I'm going to make one that says, "Keep Calm and Carry On, Princess Abigail." In case you haven't thought about it, Nancy and I have dubbed ourselves as Princesses' and my dad as the King. Jan still gets the one of a kind Queen Angel title.
On the medical end of the spectrum, The Queen had a good day. She slept much better in this new room than she did in ICU. Probably because they don't come in and bug her quite as much. She will get a chest X-Ray tomorrow to see if the fluid in her lungs is going away so that she can lose the chest tube. If the fluid is still there, there is talk of a "Pleur-Ex (??- don't google this. I can't remember the name and I may have made it up)." My understanding is that this would be more of a portable chest tube. We've got to get The Queen strolling about and the chest tube she has now makes this a difficult task. She ate a royal breakfast today consisting of Cheerios followed by some apple slices prepared by Chef Jeff. The hospital food isn't the most appetizing thing in the world (can't blame her on that one) so The Royal Court is working on getting her food she likes. There is talk in the near future of moving her out of the hospital and into a rehabilitation place. This will ensure that she gets lots and lots of Physical Therapy to help get her strength back which will bring her one step closer to going HOME. So for tonight, send those prayers and good vibrations for no fluid in her lungs and strength, strength, strength.
Love to everyone,
The Royal Court


  1. Praying for no fluid in her lungs.

    Stacie Connerty
    Mother to Huntly, student of Mrs. Hetzel

  2. I seriously said to myself about an hour ago, "Abby and Nancy must be princesses and Jeff must be the king if Jean's the Queen!"

    Great motto by the way, I must remember that myself...it'sreally all one can do.

    So glad that things are looking better each new day!

    PS - remind the King to yell if he needs anything, I'll hear it!

  3. Thinking about you all every day, all day. Keep on getting better, Queen Jean! Love you!!!
