Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day

Hi Everyone,
The Queen had quite a grumpy start to her day. She was generally irritated at anything and anyone who tried to talk to her. She kept telling the doctor she was ready to go home. One of her wonderful doctors told her he would offer her a compromise. She couldn't go home but she could take a trip outside. Thank goodness this compromise satisfied The Queen. It took 2 fabulous nurses and 3 members of The Royal Court to get her outside. Let me tell was so, so worth it. Atlanta was a perfectly sunny 60 degrees with a slight breeze and crystal clear blue sky. There is no medicinal replacement for good old Vitamin D. We spent about 30 minutes basking in the sun and then The Queen decided it was time to go inside for the day. She didn't want her royal skin to get burned ;) This outside time turned her grumpy day into a great day.
Before we trekked inside, she ASKED us to take some pictures to put up on the blog. After we double checked with her about 15 times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, she kept telling us she really did want pictures up. I think she wants all of you to see that she really is doing great and looking good.
When we made it back inside The Queen received a visit from the Speech and Language Pathologist. The SLP evaluated her swallowing and vocal chords. The SLP found that The Queen was able to begin eating soft foods (ice cream, yogurt, applesauce). This was HUGE news because The Queen has been complaining of being hungry. Well, she got quite the feast tonight. The hospital prepared mashed potatoes, squash, and some sort of pureed meat? I told her not to touch the meat, but she told me that she "needed it." She's a better person than I am. But for someone who has not eaten in almost 2 weeks...this is a gourmet meal!
Today was a big day because The Queen was crowned with her Royal crown. Thanks to the Collins Family for providing the crafting supplies for The Queen and The Royal Court.
She L-O-V-E-S her crown.
Send those prayers and good vibes for a continuation of the good that we are seeing. Thanks to all of you for being beyond wonderful and supportive. We love you all.
The Queen's Royal Court


  1. It is wonderful to see you smile! I know you want to get out of the hospital, but you are in a good place to get better and better. Keep up the good work. I miss you and love you. Kim

  2. Best news I've heard all day - she looks beautiful! :)

  3. LOVE the hat towel in picture 2. Go vitamin D!!!

  4. It's WONDERFUL to see your beautiful, smiling face! Stay strong!

  5. Again, I have no idea why it shows my name like this!!! It's Jennifer Schaeffer
