Wednesday, March 2, 2011

She's a Freaking Cat

This will be a super straightforward update for the sake of me being exhausted.
Last night I spent the night with the Queen and she had a great night. Her stats looked good, she slept, etc., etc. I left at 6:30 this morning to go home and sleep. I got a call from Jan around 10:30 telling me I needed to come back. She had to be put back on the BiPap to help her breathing. They wanted to continue to go ahead with the chest tube catheter surgery to help make her comfortable. But, the scary part was that her blood gas levels were not looking good and her breathing was bad again. We were essentially told this was something she might not make it out of and if she did, that there was a high likely hood she would be back on the ventilator. After an extremely scary/exhausting/sad few hours, we just got the phone call that she did great during the surgery and did not have to be put back on the ventilator. Out of this entire process, this was the best news that we could have all hoped for.
Now, to fill you all in on more scary information that I have deemed ok to make public knowledge so that you can continue to send your magical prayers and good vibrations her way.....
My mom is very sick. My mom has known she was this sick for quite some time but wanted to protect the ones she loves by keeping this information as quiet as possible. Breast cancer that metastasis (moves around your body) is a huge giant son of a bitch (excuse my language, but I think it's ok in this situation). My mom battled this successfully 10 years ago and when it came back, she knew it was not good. Treating it with chemo and radiation is the best thing to do, and that is what was being done until she contracted the strep pneumonia. Now, our goal at this point is to keep The Queen as comfortable as possible. Her cancer is at stage 4 (google it...there's only 4 stages) and she has known this for a while now. We are all coming to terms with the fact that she is putting up one hell of a fight but we can't lose sight of that damn cancer bitch that is lurking around her fragile and weakened body. That being said, we want to be able to get her home so that she can be out of this wonderful but sterile and institutional hospital environment. We want her to be as comfortable as possible and that will occur at home. We still have a long ways to go to get to that point, but that is where we are setting our sights for the moment. Sorry to be the bearer of shitty news, but I think we're at a point where she would want you all as fully informed as possible to send those prayers and vibrations. As Jan mentioned today, my mom's positive attitude is contagious. At every doctor's appointment, she pulls out the slice of positive news and clings to it. We are all taking a hint from her and trying to do the same :)
By the way...we just got to her room and were all huddled around her bed so excited that she is still here with us. She opened her eyes, smiled, and said..."don't stare at me!" I have to agree with would be quite overwhelming to have 4 sets of eyes glaring down on you when all you can do is lay there. So we all tried to step back for a little bit. Her humor is still here in full force.
All that being said- continue doing what you're all doing.
Prayers and good vibrations for easier breathing and comfort, comfort, comfort.
Love and massive hugs to all of you,
The Queen's Royal Court


  1. The queen is so lucky to be surrounded by a seemingly endless supply of positive energy. I’m sure every time her reserves are running low, she’s drawing more from all of you. Keep up the good work and thank you for finding the time and energy to keep us posted.

  2. Ever so many good vibrations coming your way. You are as amazing a person and daughter as your mother is a mom.

  3. I wish I could be there to share what you are all doing and help with personally delivered good vibrations. And second what Debi said, thank you for your postings. It's the last thing I check before I go to bed. We're all channeling our energy for Jean to be able to leave the hospital and head home.

  4. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. You are an amazing family -- such love and strength. What a tribute to your mom and dad. Like all, am sending good vibes, many prayers and the hope for continued, occasional moments of relief/joy during long, sh(*&y days.
