Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Giant Rollercoaster

Hi World,
The Queen went in for her bronchoscopy around 11AM this morning. They found a ton of mucus in the back of her throat and infection in her lungs. They sent off a culture to see if the infection is old pneumonia working it's way out or something new. We won't have those results for a couple of days. They had a hard time getting her sedated, so they had to give her more "go to sleep medicine" than they originally intended on giving her. Since she was under heavier sedation, they had a harder time waking her up. To make another long story short, there were some irregular heart beats and breathing patterns happening after they woke her up. So to be cautious, they have put her back in ICU. We are all MEGA crossing our fingers that this will be short term (the dr's are thinking it will be...but remember I'm superstitious so pretend I didn't even say that) and that she'll be out in no time. They have put her on a heart medicine to calm her heart down. Her heart rate has gone down (but is still in the low 100's). Since I didn't fully understand what a "normal" heart rate was, Jan just checked mine. My heart rate is 66 and I'm not the healthiest 23 year old. But, it gave me a reference point to know that even the low 100's is high...but good for my mom. For the past 3 weeks, her heart rate has been in the 120's. So we are happy that her heart is getting a rest. It sure deserves one! She has a wonderful nurse in ICU (no surprise there!), she is comfortable, and we are all ok with this new development. Yet again, patience, patience, patience.
Now, your job: prayers and good vibrations for great bronchoscopy results, steady heart rate, and steady breathing.
She's still got a lot of fight left in her and we are all very happy that she has cautious but proactive doctors on her side.
Love and hugs again from the depressing but rather fancy ICU waiting room,
The Queen's Royal Court

1 comment:

  1. These are just bumps in the road, as every road has many. Sounds like she has a great navigation team that will allow her to get over the bumps and onto a smoother path. NO MORE FLUID ON THE LUNGS, SLOW HER HEART RATE AND LET HER REST AND GAIN STRENGTH...did you copy that G-d? Good!

    Sending prayers and the most positive thoughts I have!

